Sunday, February 14, 2010

Esther Short Park, Vancouver, WA

I decided to take a walk through Esther Short Park today, and distribute my crochet hearts. Here are the results:

Esther Short Park - Statue
This is a statue of Capt. George Vancouver.

Esther Short Park - Tree1
A lonely, bare tree...that is no longer bare!

Esther Short park - statue
A statue in the park of a little girl giving an old man a flower

Esther Short Park dog bag station
The Doggy Bag station...

Esther Short Park - fence
A wrought iron fence on an embellishment near the corner of the park.

Esther Short Park - Tree2
a tree near the bathrooms that looked like it needed a little love!

Esther Short Park Payphone
A payphone in Esther Short Park, near the Playhouse.

I hope that you enjoyed my exploits! I had fun finding the perfect places to drop these beautiful little hearts.
In yarn bombing, one of the good things is that "tags" sometimes don't last very long - someone will remove it and take it home. This is what is intended - and although I'm sad to see a tag gone the day after I put it there, the spot is open for another beautiful tag to go in it's place....for someone else to take joy from!


  1. Sweet Valentines Day yarn bombing! Would you like to do an interview for my blog?

    leanne (

  2. Spreading *JOY* and beautiful crochet... what's not to love :) Do you also crochet any apparel?
